Action for Happiness is a small charity with a big vision – a vision of a happier, kinder world.
This Giving Tuesday Action for Happiness is launching its Do Good December Kindness Calendar to help everyone spread a little bit more kindness this festive season.
The December Kindness Calendar has suggested daily actions for people to do throughout the month of December, including ‘Give kind comments to as many people as possible today‘, or ‘Share a happy memory or inspiring thought with a loved one‘.
The approach taken by Action for Happiness has been backed by independent scientific evidence as a technique that really works and can transform lives.
“We’re launching our new December Kindness Calendar on the day – to help people everywhere keep Giving Tuesday’s amazing spirit of kindness alive throughout the festive period.”
Mark Williamson, Director at Action for Happiness

Mark Williamson, Director at Action for Happiness said: “Action for Happiness is delighted to support #GivingTuesday which is the perfect fit with our mission.
“We’re launching our new December Kindness Calendar on the day – to help people everywhere keep Giving Tuesday’s amazing spirit of kindness alive throughout the festive period. Please join us, spread the word and help bring more happiness to others this Christmas.”
The calendar is available as a PDF to print or as an image to share, which incidentally is the action for the 1st of December! The December Kindness Calendar is also available in 13 other languages including Arabic, Catalan, Japanese and Russian – there really is no excuse not to get involved.
As the Dalai Lama, Patron of Action for Happiness, said “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions”.