As we quickly approach the end of 2016 we at Room to Read are not slowing down.
In fact, we are gaining some serious momentum and rallying our supporters, partners and community to create long-lasting change before the end of the year is up.
Globally Room to Read aims to change the stories of 100,000 children through our Literacy and Girls’ Educations Programmes by the end of 2016. In the United Kingdom, we have set an ambitious goal to change the stories (and future) of 20,000 children and we’re asking for you to join us!
#givingtuesday is a one-day annual movement focused just on charitable giving. It was brought to the UK two years ago and last year raised £6,000 a minute for UK charities and broke the world record for most amount of money donated online in 24 hours! It now runs in over 70 countries around the world including the US, Canada, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Australia and Brazil.
As a result, we are leveraging #givingtuesday to launch our end of year campaign and also give it an extra boost. Businesses – this is also an opportunity for your organisation to join in on all the good, promote your partnership and showcase your charitable giving. #givingtuesday will be taking place on Tuesday 29 November 2016.
Here are 3 ways for your business to get get involved:
#1. Support us through Payroll Giving.
Encourage employees in your organisation to sign up for payroll giving. We are offering employees the option to support our Literacy Programme or our Girls’ Education Programme at two different levels of giving:
- £3 per month can change a child’s story teaching them to read and write for one year
- £200 per year can change girl’s story and future by keeping her in school for another year
#2. Run an employee engagement campaign:
Rally employees around an end of year campaign, event or challenge. Igniting a ‘friendly competitive spirit’ amongst employees is an excellent way to increase employee participation and engagement for your activity.
#3. Help us amplify our message!
Get on social media and help to raise awareness of our work by sharing Room to Read’s stories on your corporate and personal social media accounts.