The League of Remembrance has been around since 1915.
More than 100 years on we will be reaching out to get a new generation involved in our work to support veterans and their families and retired nurses. We help people who are lonely, isolated or bereaved to volunteer in hospitals and a hospice, helping others and in turn helping themselves.
The veterans, their families and retired nurses who volunteer are called Remembrance Workers. In the course of their volunteering they forge new relationships, establish routines with social contact and find a new sense of purpose, allowing them to continue to feel useful.
On #givingtuesday we want people to help us to reach a new audience on twitter by retweeting, following and liking our posts. We will be giving a big #givingtuesday push to our #HiddenHeroics campiagn, which will run for three weeks and reward 4 people, who give their time to help others, with a £50 M&S voucher each. We want to raise the profile of the amazing contribution that volunteers make every day!