What is Giving Tuesday, you ask? In a nutshell, it’s the day that keeps on giving long after the Tuesday – this year the 29th of November – has passed. It’s a global generosity movement encouraging everyone to give what they can to the causes they care about. Whether your goal is to entice people to donate money, time, skills or goods, there is so much potential for real, lasting social change to come out of simply sharing the Giving Tuesday message.
But for newbies, with so much to take on board, the first challenge is often getting started. That’s why we’ve pulled together these 5 quick tips to get the ball rolling, and the metaphorical cogs in your brain turning.
Look at what has happened in previous years
How have other participants carried out successful campaigns, capturing people’s attention and getting a positive buzz going around Tuesday? Looking at previous examples can help get your creativity flowing when generating ideas of your own, and hopefully the generosity from your supporters will follow.
Check out these wonderful Giving Tuesday stories to see what amazing things have come out of the movement.
Set up a fundraising page or simple way for people to support you
There are a great deal of benefits to using fundraising platforms – many allow you to embed your branding, while providing a simple, user-friendly experience for both your charity and its supporters.
Head over to our blog for small charities, which offers some excellent examples of fundraising platforms – but feel free to do some browsing as there are many brilliant options out there, and finding the perfect fit for your charity is a worthwhile task.
Personalise your messages
Cultivating a strong, personal message that gets through to your supporters and encourages them to give what they can is vital to a successful campaign. Spend some time thinking about what you hope to get out of Giving Tuesday and ensure your messaging clearly articulates that. Perhaps host a brainstorming session, collaborating with your wider team and finding the perfect phrasing and style to suit your charity.
Our messaging is there to be used and adapted, with the option to tweak it as you see fit. You can find them in our Partner Toolkit.
Share your success stories and say thank you!
Keeping supporters in the loop is an important task for all charities. Sharing stories is a powerful tool, inspiring supporters across social media, newsletters, blogs and various other mediums. People love feel-good stories and may feel encouraged to donate when they read about how your charity has brought about positive change, especially when coupled with a clear call-to-action.
Let your audience know how giving this Giving Tuesday can make this all the more possible.
Remember to use the Giving Tuesday hashtag and tag us
This is an important one – the Giving Tuesday team will be keeping an eye on social media for partner activities. By tagging us and including #GivingTuesday, the chances of us picking up on your campaign are even more likely. Not only us, but those with a passion for giving, or other organisations looking for opportunities to collaborate.
We might even share your messaging and elevate your platform, or use your creative examples for future good practice examples to inspire others!
Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to showcase the good that your work does for others, and encourage people to be a meaningful part of making that happen. As an already well-established day of giving, make the most of it by getting the word out about your charity.
Got further questions or concerns? Get in touch with us on givingtuesday@ciof.org.uk and we’ll help in whatever way we can – we want Giving Tuesday 2022 to be a rewarding, successful experience for everyone involved and will do what we can to make that a reality.
Picture credit: “Odette Krempin Charity Works” by jose_ugs is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 .